I spotted this video of Supakitch and Koralie starting a mural from beginning to end over on Honestly WTF (one of my fave culture/fashion blogs, check it out if you aren't aware of it - lots of good stuff in there like DIY tutorials!) and I had to post. Totally inspirational and good music.
OBaby and I were enjoying a nice afternoon last week window shopping on Grand Avenue when I ducked into a baby shop. They carried Iron Maiden onesies and pink organza tutus. Quite the spread.And there they were, in a basket by the $60 size 4 purple infant cowgirl boots: some assorted wood baby toys.I’m a sucker for wooden toys.OBaby is a sucker of baby toys (::snort snort::).I quickly decided that we would not be leaving the eclectic shop without this beauty, a stretchy circle of colorful wooden beads that can be rearranged (and, more importantly, sucked on).OBaby was happy in his ring sling on my hip as I paid for the toy and headed for the car to go home and have what I was hoping would be an afternoon nap of epic proportions. Being the awesome, impromptu toy buying mommy that I am, I gave him the balls to suck on in his car seat.He was content and quiet for the entire ride home, and if you know my son, you are impressed right now.“That’s one awesome toy,” I thought.Upon picking him up out of his seat, I realized whence cometh that contented silence. Mommy left the cardboard tag on that awesome toy.Half of the tag was nowhere to be seen, the other half was soggy and unrecognizable.“Remove all hanging tags and labels before giving to a child,” has never been so poingant. Not that I would ever be so absent minded as to give my child some cardboard to chew on unsupervised, or anything.And the next day, when that half of the tag that was nowhere to be seen could be seen, ahem, in OBaby’s diaper, I did not consider grabbing the camera and documenting the still legible words “Classic” and “Toy”.Nope. That’s disgusting. That thought would never cross my mind.~~~~~~[Not Me Monday, a blog carnival hosted by MckMama]
I stopped by Repeat Press yesterday, to visit owner/printer Mike Dacey. He was nice enough to open up his studio so you guys could check out his world. And what a neat world it is. I was really transfixed by all the old machinery and stuff! SO many and letters! I would have pocketed a few but Mike kept his eye on me the entire time.
Repeat Press is housed (along with a bunch of other very creative folk) in an large, old, carpenter workshop, above Open Bicycle in Somerville. There is a ton of creative energy flying around that little corner! Let's get a look at his space...
Make sure to continue checking out the visit after the jump.
Check out that Record! Mike had the plate made for a suite of products for Middlesex's five year anniversary.
Mike's giving me a dry run of how the press worked. I had so many questions! I forgot to take better photos of this beast!
Just a few of the many posters Mike has worked on over the years.
This print is a mash up of all the jobs Mike had in 2009.
Speaking of jobs, the above is an awesome video shot by Quarter Productions of Mike working on a commission for High Snobiety/Selectism. Coasters!
Mike's print made exclusively for Corduroy: Surf. Skate. Art. Love. Purchase here.
Another commission for local shop Proletariat. Only five of these bad Larrys left! Purchase here.
There is a type of photography that I really dig and Grant Ernhart captures it. The best way to describe his photographs: they are punctuation at the end of a sentence. Rooms, homes, backyards, etc that have all been captured minutes after something has taken place. His viewers are left in the wake to guess what may or may not have taken place.
I am on day two of isolation. I see Aaron just enough for him to bring me something to eat, or more water.I see Miles just enough to wave hi or bye to him from the bedroom door.I sleep with just the dog to keep me company, but I am thankful for him.My results should be back tomorrow (or the next day) to know if I actually have H1N1 (who are we kidding.. Swine Flu is easier to say!)The doctor is positive I do. The test results won’t change anything.. No point in getting them now. Each day I’m getting better. It was never that bad to begin with..The flu won’t kill me..Missing these two might….
Act fast as there are only a few of Esther Pearl Watson's print, Before the Landlord Finds Us, left over at Tiny Showcase! If you miss this print Esther has a show at Webb Gallery that runs through the 18th.
My friend Michael Rusem just opened up an etsy shop, there you'll find his meticulously drawn renditions of stamps. I was totally psyched when he sent me a few images, I love the scratchy-ness that goes along with something that is so finely rendered in real time. A lot of the images here are details, as I wanted to give you guys a good idea of how cool his drawings are. To see more check out his etsy store and his website.
You may recognize the above print, On the Wings of Desire, looking eerily close to the street artist Elbow-Toe's work. I'm not saying either way. What I will say is that this print is now available through The Black Rat Press. It's hand pulled and only 50 are available in black and white. There is also a very few on hand that have been hand colored, as seen below (contact Black Rat if you are interested in that version). You can read a great interview I did with Elbow-Toe here.
Someone once told me that I would miss being pregnant. I think this was before they knew that I had developed a rare violently itchy pregnancy rash that covers my abdomen and thighs. Although, no one really knew about that until now because I have vowed never to complain about it.What’s that?Oh, I did?Sorry.From now on I will not complain about it.Anywho, I decided that as much as I am ready to meet Nugget, I do want a record this unique moment in our family’s life: it’s just DanO, a watermelon, and me.A warning: if you haven’t seen me in a while and I look a little different in these pictures, it’s likely because I’m holding water so well that even my nose is slightly swollen (I kid you not; cankles are for rookies). Oh, and then there’s the child growing inside my torso… that’s new too, but I figured that was kind of a given.I present to you the O My Family Portraits 2009:¬† Pre-Nugget Edition. Taken kindly by ‘O Brother’ (DanO’s younger bro) and his bride-to-be (Look! Two mentions in two weeks!).
i hope this holiday finds you and your's caught under the mistletoe, merry & joyous & above all having a wonderful, safe & awesome holiday. peace & love, meighan.
Jay Howell invited me over to his place to check out his new work for his upcoming show Alligator Fuck House before it was framed. It was rad to get to see Jay's work up close before it was framed. Jay always has great attention to detail, so it was fun to talk with him about his ideas behind his work. My favorite is the painting with all the random names; Stacie's Boyfriend Steve, Your Pal Paul, etc...
Jay's show opens this Thursday at a440 Gallery in San Francisco. I'll be there to take pics and will share them with you...until then get a look at these bad Larrys.
More images after the jump and more pics of Jay's work and some of his art collection on the blog's flickr page.